Friday, May 17, 2013

How to Install the Gree Ductless Split System Inverter

The video below is a great demonstration of installing the Gree Ductless Split System. If you've never seen an installation before, this video is very helpful. It walks you through all of the steps. It also includes lots of helpful pointers like the fact that only licensed HVAC contractors can do the installation. When you watch the video you'll understand why, it's pretty involved.

It's also helpful to learn that an installation takes about half a day to complete. Another point is to try and place the indoor and outdoor units near each other. For the outdoor unit, you'll need wiring and a disconnect box rated for the units voltage and current. The video does a much better job of explaining...

How To Install Gree Ductless Split System Inverter Air Conditioning - It's easier than you think to install a Gree ductless split AC system. Find out how to install the indoor and outdoor unit, hoo...

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